Holiday Services


We would love to have you join us at any of our holiday services.

Holy Supper (Quarterly) – Adults of any denomination who wish to be conjoined by love and faith with the Lord Jesus Christ as the One God, are invited to partake of the Holy Supper. This is offered quarterly at the end of the regular service (or privately by appointment with the pastor). Those taking communion kneel at the chancel rail or sit in the front row if they cannot manage kneeling. Ushers direct the flow of those coming forward. Please approach through the side aisles and return to your seat through the center aisle. If you start forward and see no empty places at the chancel rail, simply take a seat in one of the front rows, and wait until the next ‘table’ after the present communicants have returned to their seats.

Palm Sunday – a regular worship service. You may pick up a palm branch as you enter the church, to be carried forward and laid on the chancel during the first hymn.

Good Friday Evening – 7:00 PM service is for all ages who are able to sit through an hour-long service consisting of readings from the gospels concerning Jesus’ final week on earth, accompanied by appropriate readings from the Heavenly Doctrine. Holy Supper is included in this service.

Easter – 8:00 AM outdoor  “sunrise” service, (weather permitting).  One address is given for all; there is no Sunday School. The congregation is invited to bring an offering of flowers to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection (the flowers are donated to shut-ins and local charities.). You may bring flowers forward as you arrive as the pastor will be on hand to receive them from 7:45 AM. The service will be followed by an Easter Breakfast. Please check the calendar for confirmation. If you will stay for breakfast, please call ahead so we know how many to expect and to offer to bring something to this organized “potluck” breakfast.

New Church Day (held on the Sunday nearest June 19th) – is a special family service. This celebrates an event recorded in True Christian Religion, namely, the Lord’s calling together of the disciples who had followed Him in the natural world, and the sending of them throughout the spiritual world to proclaim the good news that the Lord God Jesus Christ reigns. This took place on the 19th of June, 1770. We use this service to celebrate all that is implied by the Second Coming of the Lord. The children may pick up a New Church flag on their way into the sanctuary for a flag procession. The red and white of the flag symbolizes love and wisdom from the Lord. Small gifts are given to the children afterwards. Please call ahead to be sure a gift is prepared for your child.

Thanksgiving Family Service – 10:00 AM service is often followed by a potluck Thanksgiving dinner  but this has been canceled for 2011.(please confirm by calling the pastor or checking the latest Boynton Beach Breakers on this website). Most of the worshipers bring fruit, vegetable or non-perishable offerings to the service for a harvest procession.This offering is a means to especially thank the Lord for all the harvest of natural and spiritual gifts that He gives. After the service, the offerings are boxed for delivery to shut-ins or a local charity.

Christmas Advent Service – on a Sunday shortly before Christmas, we have a special evening service (and no service that morning) to visually reenact the Christmas story.

Christmas Eve – a 5:30 PM service for families, this service has one address for all. Small gifts are presented to the children afterwards. Please call ahead to be sure a gift is prepared for your child.

Christmas Day – This service, like our Sunday service, includes a children’s talk and Sunday School
