Ways to Get Involved

“Nobody can be joined to the Lord except by means of love and charity.” (Arcana Coelestia 2349)
One great way to get involved is through service and volunteering!
New Church theology and teachings emphasize the importance of service to others – sometimes called the Doctrine of Use (or Usefulness). It is through service that we connect with the Lord, and obtain true happiness.
There are many ministries (uses) that support the mission and services of The Generic New Church. The following list is a sampling of ways that church members can volunteer to support the services and activities of our church.
- Music
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Chancel
- Garden
- Hospitality / Refreshments
- Media (e.g., live and recorded services)
- Small Group / Home Fellowship (e.g., study groups)
- Special Events
- Meals
- Newsletter
- Executive Committee – Church
If you are interested in volunteering your time to support these various ministries and uses, please contact us.
The Generic New Church also offers a breadth of Religious and Spiritual Growth programs for its congregation members and friends. Many programs run on an ongoing basis, but there are also featured programs that run for a limited time on a predefined schedule. We also run newcomer programs at various times throughout the year. Get involved with the congregation through some of these activities.
Please browse through the the pages in this section to find the type(s) of program that suit you: