Make A Gift

“Freely you have received, freely give.”
(Matthew 10:8)
Our congregation members and friends are our biggest supporters. They improve the life and health of our church and schools in how they support our mission, services and students, volunteering their time in so many ways and with their financial contributions.
The Generic New Church is alive with a compelling vision for the future and a strategic plan to focus and direct our decisions. There is a renewed will to work hard to improve our Church and Schools and help make the teachings of the New Church more accessible to the world. We have a great school with a long and proud history; we have resources, a plan, and a commitment to get the job done. Come, help us accomplish our mission!
The Generic New Church does not suggest donations of any amount or percentage, but leaves members and friends in freedom to give according to their hearts and abilities. The Church then has the responsibility to use the generous gifts of it’s donors wisely in the service of the Lord.
Thank you for all you to do improve the vitality of the Bryn Athyn Church and its schools!
Ways to Give
Financial contributions to Generic New Church are deeply appreciated and play an essential role in supporting the Church’s mission and future health.
By regular mail:Bryn Athyn Church, Treasurer, PO Box 277, Bryn Athyn, PA 19009-0277
By phone: Stewart Asplundh (215) 947-6225 extension 210, or Sue Adams extension 201
Gifts can be made by:
- Cash
- Check
- Credit Card: by mail or by phone. Never E-MAIL your credit card information
- Shares of Stock
- Gifts in Kind
- Real Estate
- Personal Property
- Life Insurance proceeds
- Online donations